With support from the University of Richmond

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Iraq Scholar Rescue Project

The Institute of International Education's Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) has received special funding for the Iraq Scholar Rescue Project to provide fellowships to scholars in Iraq whose lives and work are threatened. The Fund is currently seeking applications from suitable candidates and/or candidate referrals.

*Academics, established researchers, and professors from Iraq in any field or discipline may qualify. Preference will be given to scholars with a Ph.D. or other highest degree in their field; who have been employed in scholarly activities at a university, college or other institution of higher learning during the last four years (excluding displacement or prohibition); who demonstrate superior academic accomplishment or promise; and whose selection is likely to benefit the academic community in Iraq and/or host country or region. Applications from female scholars are encouraged.

* Fellowship recipients will be expected to resume their teaching, lecturing, research, writing and publishing at a host academic institution. Fellowship recipients will also be expected to participate in the Fund's efforts to continue the education of Iraqi students, both within and outside of Iraq.

* The host institution will be determined based on the qualifications of the fellowship recipient. Candidates are encouraged to contact universities or institutions who may potentially act as host for the fellowship. Placement within the Middle East and North Africa region will be encouraged.

* Fellowships will be awarded for visiting academic positions of up to two years. A living stipend and relocation expenses for scholars and their families will be included in the fellowship. To apply for a fellowship or to learn more, please send an email to SRFIraq@iie.org . Kindly include SRF Iraq Project in the subject line of your message.

For universities and colleges interested in potentially hosting an SRF Iraq fellow, please also contact SRFIraq@iie.org

Read entire article at Press Release--IIE Scholar Rescue Fund Fellowships