Haleh Esfandiari: On NBC News she says she may never return to Iran
[Editor's Note: Haleh Esfandiari is the wife of George Mason University historian Shaul Bakhash.]
U.S. scholar Haleh Esfandiari says she may never feel safe enough to go back to Iran. She was interviewed by NBC News back home at last after her long ordeal. She said while she was incarcerated she wondered if the world had forgotten about her. She tried hard not to think of her family. She said exercise helped. She'd do dozens of push-ups; keeping track of the count helped keep her mind off her ordeal.
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U.S. scholar Haleh Esfandiari says she may never feel safe enough to go back to Iran. She was interviewed by NBC News back home at last after her long ordeal. She said while she was incarcerated she wondered if the world had forgotten about her. She tried hard not to think of her family. She said exercise helped. She'd do dozens of push-ups; keeping track of the count helped keep her mind off her ordeal.