With support from the University of Richmond

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Dick Scott: Honored with $43,000 (US) award by New Zealand prime minister

The Prime Minister's literary awards today honoured three writers - a historian, a poet and a novelist.

The three writers - historian Dick Scott, poet Bill Manhire and novelist Fiona Farrell - have all been recognised in the Prime Minister's Awards for Literary Achievement, in a ceremony at Premier House in Wellington tonight.

Each received $60,000 [NZ $] in recognition of their significant contribution to New Zealand literature.

Prime Minister Helen Clark said each writer had added something special to New Zealand's cultural landscape through their work.

Scott is best known for his work on the Maori pacifist leader, Te Whiti. Miss Clark said his history Ask that Mountain was recognised as one of New Zealand's most influential books.

"Reprinted eight times since its publication in 1975, Ask that Mountain brought events at Parihaka into the nation's consciousness," Miss Clark said.
Read entire article at New Zealand Herald