With support from the University of Richmond

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Cornélio Caley: Angolan experts should rewrite history

Anglan historian Cornélio Caley Thursday, in Luanda, called for a serious study on the country's history, by Angolan experts, to correct the anomalies existing in some studies carried out by foreigner specialists.

Speaking at the III International Meeting of Angola's History that started on Tuesday at Talatona Conventions Centre, Cornélio Caley said that at the moment Angola has experts capable of being engaged on the continuous research of the country's culture and history.

"There is much to be investigated on matters ranging from the period before the arrival of colonialism, the struggles of resistance against colonial occupation, national independence and the current period, and the debate shows that Angolans are paying special attention to the collection of data about the reality of the Angolan people", added the entity.

Cornélio Caley pointed out oral information as one of the greatest sources for writing the Angolan history, as 75 percent of population still rely on it.
Read entire article at http://allafrica.com