With support from the University of Richmond

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Paul S. Boyer: Famed historian lectures on Revelation, Apocalypse

The prophecy of the Apocalypse in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, is still a popular subject for many Americans as it applies to U.S. foreign policy, historian Paul S. Boyer said Tuesday during a lecture at the UC.

The lecture titled Slouching Toward Armageddon, Boyer spoke on Biblical prophecy belief in modern America and the ways those beliefs have evolved since the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.

Boyer's speech was part of the Center for the Study of War and Society in the history department. Kurt Piehler, the director of the center, said Boyer is a leading academic on the American response to the atomic bomb.

He's definitely on the top-10 of American historians,? Piehler said.
Read entire article at Daily Beacon