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David Irving: British leaders critical of his comeback

David Irving, the discredited British historian who until recently was serving a three-year jail sentence in Austria for Holocaust denial, will soon undertake a speaking tour of British cities and publish a series of new books.

Irving plans to speak in Halifax and Birmingham as well as at several undisclosed universities as part of his comeback. He was also scheduled to speak in Coventry last Friday, but protesters disrupted the event.

His attempt at a comeback has been met with disgust and disbelief in Britain, provoking a strong reaction from Jewish, anti-fascist and educational groups in Britain.

Lord Foulkes of the Labour Friends of Israel said: "It is a frightening thought that he is still pursuing his agenda."

In an interview with The Guardian, Irving said that his beliefs regarding the Holocaust had not changed at all, and that they had crystallised over the years.

In the books he plans to publish, Irving blames Jews for the "events", as he called them, in which millions perished.

Related Links

  • Deborah Lipstadt: If David Irving is a scrupulous historian how come he's posting phony news stories?
  • Read entire article at Australian Jewish News