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AHA to reopen discussion of changes tio the constitution

In response to the recent request for comments on the proposed constitutional amendments, AHA members have made several useful suggestions and some members have also helpfully pointed out some minor textual errors in the proposed revisions. We apologize for any inconvenience these errors have caused. Staff and council are working to further refine and clarify the proposed changes. The changes—with the typographical errors corrected—will be posted to the web site on or about October 19, 2007. Although the current Constitution blog closed at midnight October 15, 2007 members will have another opportunity to comment on the revised and corrected text of the proposed amendments from Friday October 19th until Monday, October 29, 2007. An email will be sent to members alerting them to the revisions and the reopening of the comments blog.

Related Links

  • Rick Shenkman: Proposed Change in AHA Constitution Would Hamper Activists