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Barbara Schieb: German historian speaks about Holocaust rescuers

A German historian spoke to about 100 people yesterday at the Memorial Art Gallery on the risks that German rescuers took to help Jews during the Holocaust.

During her lecture, Barbara Schieb focused on the story of Rochester residents Erich and Ellen Arndt, who went into hiding for 837 days during Berlin's Nazi era. Schieb showed a video interview of Ellen Arnst, when she was still alive a few years ago, telling her story of survival.

"Our helpers didn't know what they were getting into," Arnst said in the video.

That is the theme Schieb took for the new Berlin museum Silent Heroes Memorial Center, slated to open in February. The museum, where Schieb is associate curator, will feature the Arnsts' story along with those of others who went through similar situations more than 50 years ago.

"The general mood is that (Germans) really want to learn about that time," Schieb said of the reaction to education about the Holocaust in Germany.

Marvin Rosenthal, 73, of Rochester said he enjoyed listening to Schieb's lecture because it shows that Germans are becoming more aware of their own history and being proactive about educating others.
Read entire article at http://www.democratandchronicle.com (Rochester, NY)