With support from the University of Richmond

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Richard Guy Wilson: Virginia architectural historian on tap for Decorative Arts and Preservation Forum

Dr. Richard Guy Wilson, architectural historian at the University of Virginia, will deliver the opening presentation Friday night for the Columbus Historic Foundation's 37th annual Decorative Arts and Preservation Forum.

Wilson, who holds the Commonwealth Professor's Chair in Architectural History at the University of Virginia, will speak on “What $$$$$ Can Buy: The American Palace Race” at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Rose and Thad Cochran Hall on the Mississippi University for Women campus.

Wilson's specialty is the architecture, design and art of the 18th to the 20th centuries both in America and abroad. He was a visiting fellow at Cambridge University, England, during the Winter-Spring 2007 session.

He was born in Los Angeles and grew up in a house designed for his parents by leading modernist Rudolph Schindler.
Read entire article at http://www.cdispatch.com