With support from the University of Richmond

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Results of 2007 AHA Election

Council Officers

Gabrielle M. Spiegel, Johns Hopkins University (medieval, with a special interest in historiography and linguistic analysis, medieval and contemporary)

President-elect (1-year term)
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Harvard University (U.S. to 1815, comparative gender history since 1600)

Vice-President, Professional Division (3-year term)
David J. Weber, Southern Methodist University (Borderlands, American West, Latin America)

Council (3-year terms)

Slot 1
Trudy H. Peterson, Consulting Archivist (archives)

Slot 2
Prasenjit Duara, University of Chicago (modern Chinese social and cultural; nationalism, imperialism, and transnationalism; historiography and social theory)

Division Representatives (3-year terms)

Kristin L. Ahlberg, Office of the Historian, U. S. Department of State (U.S. diplomatic, presidency; foreign assistance policy; public)

Mary Elizabeth Berry, University of California at Berkeley (medieval and early modern Japan, warfare and violence, urban history, print culture, economic thought and consumption)

Timothy N. Thurber, Virginia Commonwealth University (20th century U.S., political, Civil Rights)

Committee on Committees (3-year term)
Christopher Leslie Brown, Columbia University (early British empire, comparative history of slavery and abolition)

Nominating Committee (3-year terms)

Slot 1
Lisa Forman Cody, Claremont McKenna College (Britain 1500-1945, France 1700-1945, visual culture; women, gender, and sex roles; medicine and science)

Slot 2
David G. Gutiérrez, University of California at San Diego (Chicano, American Southwest, comparative immigration, and ethnicity)

Slot 3
David Newbury, Smith College (Central and East Africa)
Read entire article at AHA Blog