With support from the University of Richmond

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Women historians are now blogging in great numbers

[O]nly 15 months ago, Trillwing at The Clutter Museum complained that she couldn't find women blogging about history on the net. I thought then that she simply hadn't found them. Now, thanks to Jon Dresner, we have a new category, Women's History, on Cliopatria's History Blogroll. Inspired by the blogroll at Scandalous Women, it includes blogs doing women's history generally. You'll find many more specialized blogs, both women doing history and women doing women's history elsewhere on the History Blogroll, such as A Don's Life and Zenobia: Empress of the East in Ancient History, Early Modern Notes and Everything Early Modern Women in Pre-Modern History, or Break of Day in the Trenches and Civil War Women in Wars and Warriors.
Read entire article at Ralph Luker at HNN blog, Cliopatria