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Peter Wallenstein: Historian arrested for hit-and-run accident

Virginia Tech police released more details Thursday of an incident that led to a misdemeanor hit-and-run charge against a professor.

Peter Wallenstein was driving a 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser north on West Campus Drive about 8:30 p.m. Tuesday when he turned right onto Perry Street into the path of a bicyclist, Brian Undercoffer.

Undercoffer, a freshman, hit the rear driver's-side tire of the car, and Wallenstein continued driving, according to a police report of the crash. Undercoffer declined to comment about the incident Thursday, and Wallenstein did not respond to phone calls or an e-mail about it.

Wallenstein was arrested on charges of hit-and-run with property damage, a misdemeanor if the damage is $1,000 or less. Police estimated damage to the car at $100 and damage to the bike of $20.

Both vehicles were estimated to be traveling at 10 mph at the time of the crash, according to the report....
Read entire article at http://www.roanoke.com