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Historian discovers bomb shelter under his house (UK)

AN AMATEUR historian has discovered that he has the biggest item in his collection of memorabilia hidden under his dining room floor - a Second World War bomb shelter.

Craig Brisbane has been collecting items of local historical interest for years - including postcards of Prestwich in days gone by and letters written by soldiers during the two world wars - but without knowing it he has been sitting on the most exciting item of all.

He made the discovery after rolling up the dining room carpet with sons Andrew (14) and Nicky (11) during the school half-term holiday.

They found a concrete floor and a trapdoor leading underground so they grabbed a torch and began to explore, discovering reinforced walls, a bed, fireplace, a packet of woodbines and a copy of the Daily Mail dated May 19, 1944. The newspaper details the Allies' success at Monte Cassino in Italy - a crucial battle that Craig's father-in-law, a Polish officer named Boleslaw Glazer, was involved in.
Read entire article at http://www.thisislancashire.co.uk