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David Tal: Says Israeli historian's role is making sense of "chaos"

Israeli historian David Tal sees parallels between the current rain of rockets on Sderot and previous crises in Israeli history.

“Between 1948 and 1966, there were infiltrators everywhere, robbing and stealing,” he said. “After the 1967 war, there was constant bombing from Jordan and then from Lebanon.”

In the past, however, the government had more control over the flow of information, and the incidents of violence were seen as more remote.

“Now, everything is screened in prime time television,” Tal said, “and the government is under pressure to act” to stop the violence. At the same time, “there is also more solidarity between the center of the country and the territories.”

Drawing distinctions like these — and drawing out their implications — will be Tal’s goal when he presents “Israel under Missile Fire,” a talk scheduled for Thursday evening, Feb. 28, at the Wilf Jewish Community Campus in Scotch Plains....
Read entire article at NJ Jewish News