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Dominick Lizzi: Historian who wrote book about impeached NYS governor reacts to Spitzer scandal

“This is very significant in the history of New York State,” said Historian Dominick C. Lizzi.

Meet historian Dominick Lizzi. He's been watching the Spitzer news unfold like most of us.

“The parallels are absolutely amazing,” said Lizzi.

He literally wrote the book that's the result of one of New York's darkest political days. Martin Glynn Forgotten Hero details New York's governor who came to power after William Sulzer was impeached for misusing campaign funds, the only impeachment in New York history.

“He broke with Tammany Hall. They first tried the gentle treatment. They tried bribing him,” said Lizzi.

Obviously, it was a much different world back in 1913. And yet there are those parallels. Lizzi said the disgraced Sulzer often clashed with the legislature - one reason he thinks whoever is governor might do well to take cues from how Governor Glynn then dealt with the situation he inherited nearly 100 years ago.

Obviously, it was a much different world back in 1913. And yet there are those parallels. Lizzi said the disgraced Sulzer often clashed with the legislature - one reason he thinks Paterson might do well to take cues from how Governor Glynn then dealt with the situation he inherited nearly 100 years ago.

“Reach out to the legislature. He reached out. And by reaching out he brought a calm to the whole situation,” said Lizzi.

In many ways, this latest scandal is a first for New York. But Lizzi says that may only be the case because accusations like those Spitzer facing just didn't make news back then.

“Anybody in office is exposed. Anything and anything they do. What used to be placed under wraps, like with JFK, is no longer hidden by the press. It's all up for grabs,” said Lizzi....
Read entire article at http://capitalnews9.com