With support from the University of Richmond

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Rwanda: Historians Want to Write True History

The Rwanda Historians Association, which is composed mainly of university lecturers and other researchers, was officially launched last week with the aim of properly writing down Rwanda's history which has always been distorted.

The vice-president of the historians' association, Joseph Gahama; the director of culture, Straton Nsanzabaganwa; and the president, Déo Byanafashe, during the launch.

Déo Byanafashe, the president of the association, said that the association saw the light in 2006 at the national university, with the objectives of teaching Rwandans history, bringing together historians on Rwanda and also to be a part of the African association of historians.

He went on to say that at the same time he was elected the president of the association, Joseph Gahama became vice president, and Jeanne d'Arc Baranyizizwe become was elected treasurer. However, due to a lack of finances the association was never officially launched.
Read entire article at http://allafrica.com