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Michael Wreszin: Says Obama's race speech was truly impressive

To the Editor:

Re “Obama Urges U.S. to Grapple With Race Issue” (front page, March 19):

I taught American history for 40 years and the history of African-Americans from the Civil War to the 1990s at the City University of New York. I think Barack Obama’s speech on race and politics on Tuesday is one of the most, if not the most, impressive and intelligent speeches made by a politician in our history.

It was indeed transcendent. It went far beyond the issue of his relationship to his church and pastor. It directly confronted the most serious problem in our country, and displayed a self-awareness and a penetrating insight into the race issue as it affects blacks and whites.

Mr. Obama did not avoid any of the questions raised by his relationship with the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. He met them head-on with eloquence, candor and understanding.

No matter what happens in this endless political campaign, we as Americans can be proud of this man’s rise and achievements.
Read entire article at Letter to the Editor of the NYT