With support from the University of Richmond

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Historians help N-Y Historical Society raise $1.7 million

Giving money can be a way of becoming part of history. At the New-York Historical Society, which is currently looking for more than $90 million to fund a physical and intellectual expansion, giving money can be a way of ensuring the vitality of historical inquiry in the first place....

A professor emeritus of history at the University of Chicago, Neil Harris, gave a keynote address about the increasing overlap in the fields of history and art history, and the increasing responsibility of museums to teach history in a highly visual culture.

The proceedings on Saturday included presentations by Henry Ward Beecher biographer Debby Applegate and Lincoln historians Harold Holzer and Andrew Ferguson. The finale: a preview of a documentary about General Tecumseh by Ric Burns.

The event raised $1.7 million for the society.
Read entire article at NY Sun