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Robert Caro & Edmund Morgan: Caro inducted into American Academy of Arts and Letters; Morgan honored by award

Historian Robert Caro, humorist Calvin Trillin and poet Paul Muldoon will be among the eight new members inducted next month into the elite American Academy of Arts and Letters, the academy announced Tuesday.

Caro, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, is known for his biography of Robert Moses, "The Power Broker," and for his multivolume series on Lyndon Johnson. Trillin is a longtime staff writer for The New Yorker who writes often about food and last year released a best-selling memoir about his late wife, Alice Trillin.

The Irish-born Muldoon won a Pulitzer in 2003 for "Moy Sand and Gravel."

Other inductees include fiction writer-essayist Joy Williams, artists Ursula von Rydingsvard and John Baldessari, African scholar Kwame Anthony Appiah and Shakespeare scholar Stephen Greenblatt. Gold medals for lifetime achievement will be presented to historian Edmund S. Morgan and architect Richard Meier.
Read entire article at AP