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Alan Charles Kors: $250,000 Prize Awarded to Penn Professor, a Fierce Critic of Speech Codes

Alan Charles Kors, a historian at the University of Pennsylvania who has been a longtime scourge of political correctness, speech codes, and other issues in higher education, has been awarded a $250,000 prize by the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. The citation for the Bradley Prize, to be presented in June, recognizes Mr. Kors as both a scholar of European intellectual history and a defender of free speech.

Mr. Kors drew notice in 1998 as a co-author of The Shadow University: The Betrayal of Liberty on America’s Campuses, a withering attack on “campus Stalinists” bent on enforcing left-wing views. He and his co-author, Harvey A. Silverglate, subsequently founded an organization dedicated to protecting what they described as victims of political correctness. The group, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE, has since made a name for itself as an outspoken critic of campus speech codes and advocate for people said to have violated the codes.
Read entire article at Chronicle of Higher Ed