Society of American Archivists reproves the Hoover Institution for meddling in Iraqi affairs & controlling archives
Archivists are professionals who are engaged in identifying, preserving, and making accessible the historical and governmental manuscripts and records that document the cultural patrimony and political accountability of localities and nations. We are concerned about events related to archives and archival records that have transpired in Iraq during conflicts involving the United States, and also about the precedents that these events may have set for the conduct of the United States and other nations in future conflicts. We believe that the American government has an obligation under commonly shared international agreements and its own past practices to return to the lawfully established government of Iraq – with all deliberate speed – Iraqi records now in its possession. Moreover, the United States government has the responsibility to intercede, to the greatest extent possible, in ensuring the return of Iraqi records removed by private parties during the conflicts. The U.S. should also intercede with its Kurdish allies in Iraq to return records seized by their fighters from the Iraqi government and third parties....