With support from the University of Richmond

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David Brody: Wins Sol Stetin Award for Labor History

The Sidney Hillman Foundation Journalism Awards honor journalism that explores the issues of social and economic justice. The award categories for 2008 include: Books (non-fiction), Newspaper Reporting, Magazine Reporting, Broadcast Reporting (television and radio), Photojournalism, and Blogs. The 2008 awards are given for work produced, published or exhibited in 2007.

Each winner is provided travel to the awards presentation, a statuette, and a $5,000 prize.

Submissions were judged by a distinguished panel including Hendrik Hertzberg, senior editor, The New Yorker; Susan Meiselas, independent photojournalist; Harold Meyerson, columnist, Washington Post, Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor, The Nation, and Rose Arce, an award-winning producer at CNN. Past award winners include author Barbara Ehrenreich, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert, The Wall Street Journal, CBS News correspondent Ed Bradley, NPR, Business Week, and Time magazine.

The Sidney Hillman Foundation has been granting awards since 1950 to journalists whose work explores and exposes the pertinent issues of our time, providing the evidence and inspiration to spur action and movement toward a more just society. Each year, the foundation also grants the UNITE HERE Officers’ Award to a public figure or organization which has made a difference. And it awards the Sol Stetin Award for Labor History to a labor historian whose work furthers our understanding of the working-class experience in America.

Robert Kuttner
The Squandering of America: How the Failure of Our Politics Undermines Our Prosperity
Knopf Publishing Group

Charles Duhigg
“Golden Opportunities”
The New York Times

Ray Ring
“Death in the Energy Fields”
High Country News

Bill Moyers and Kathy Hughes
“Buying The War”
Bill Moyers Journal

Luis Sinco
“The Marlboro Marine: Two lives blurred together by a photo”
Los Angeles Times

Faiz Shakir and Amanda Terkel
A project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund

UNITE HERE Officers’ Award
Writers Guild of America, East
Writers Guild of America, West
For their historic victory and the solidarity it inspired

Sol Stetin Award for Labor History
David Brody
Professor of History Emeritus
University of California, Davis