Trofim Lysenko according to Robert Service, Steve Jones, Catherine Merridale [audio 43min]
In 1928, as America heads towards the Wall Street Crash, Joseph Stalin reveals his master plan - nature is to be conquered by science, Russia to be made brutally, glitteringly modern and the world transformed by communist endeavour. Into the heart of this vision stepped Trofim Lysenko, a self-taught geneticist who promised to turn Russian wasteland into a grain-laden Garden of Eden. Today, Lysenko is a byword for fraud but in Stalin’s Russia his ideas became law. They reveal a world of science distorted by ideology, where ideas were literally a matter of life and death. To disagree with Lysenko risked the gulag and yet he damaged, perhaps irreparably, the Soviet Union’s capacity to fight and win the Cold War. Presenter Melvyn Bragg investigates the history of ideas and debates their application in modern life with his guests Robert Service, Professor of Russian History at the University of Oxford; Steve Jones, Professor of Genetics at University College London; and Catherine Merridale, Professor of Contemporary History at Queen Mary, University of London. Baron Bragg--historian, journalist, novelist--is Domus Fellow, St Catherine's College, Oxford; Chancellor of Leeds University; President of Britain's National Campaign for the Arts; a Governor of the London School of Economics; and Chair of Britain's Arts Council Literature Panel.
Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "In Our Time"