Kerry's Slogan Can Be Traced to a Communist-Inspired Poet
From Insight Magazine (May 24, 2004):
Insiders say John Kerry has settled on "Let America Be America Again" as the motto and theme of his presidential campaign. The line comes from a Langston Hughes poem Kerry quoted at an NAACP event in Kansas. Apparently the pedantic St. Paul's and Yale graduate didn't bother to note that it was written for an International Workers Order (IWO) pamphlet called A New Song. The IWO was an officially cited affiliate of the Communist Party, and Hughes was so committed a Stalinist that he formally endorsed the Bolshevik purges.
Then there is Langston Hughes' poem "Goodbye Christ," written for the (Communist) Negro Worker. It starts:
Listen Christ,
You did alright in your day, I reckon --
But that day's gone now.
They ghosted you up a swell story, too.
Called it Bible -- but it's dead now. ...
Make way for a new guy with no religion at all --
A real guy named
Marx Communist Lenin Peasant Stalin Worker ME
I said, ME! ..."
Great choice, Kerry.