Is Rashid Khalidi Obama's pal?
But this seems like an opportune moment to flag my own writings on Khalidi, going back a number of years.
• "Dr. Rashid and Mr. Khalidi." On how Khalidi has varied his pitch according to audience—and, when interviewed on Al Jazeera, turns into a firebrand.
• "The Day the Rabbi Rescued Rashid." Khalidi has always taken care to cultivate a few Jewish supporters, and the late Arthur Hertzberg was one of them. Shows how they haven't a clue about what he really believes—and says.
• "Rashid Khalidi: Gaza blame-thrower." Hamas took over Gaza, so who's fault is that? Guess.
• "Unreal Rashid." Dissects Khalidi's 2005 interview with the Radical History Journal. "They are political," he says of the right, "and we're not political"—he tells his fellow radical historians.
• "Radical Rashid." Khalidi finds the University of Chicago Law School faculty "extremely conservative"—even though the ratio of Democrats to Republicans there is 7 to 1.
• "Philistine at Columbia." Considers a speech in which Khalidi indicted America's universities—including disciplines he knows nothing about, such as medicine and agriculture—for failing to "challenge the reigning orthodoxies in their fields."
• "The rise and fall of the third-rate." Khalidi complains about "Uncle Toms" in Middle Eastern studies.
As I said, I have no inside information on the Obama-Khalidi connection. But I did note this statement by Obama, when pressed on Khalidi:
I do know him [Khalidi] because I taught at the University of Chicago [where Khalidi taught prior to his Columbia appointment—MK]. And he is Palestinian. And I do know him and I have had conversations. He is not one of my advisors; he's not one of my foreign policy people. His kids went to the Lab School where my kids go as well. He is a respected scholar, although he vehemently disagrees with a lot of Israel's policy.To which I would ask the candidate in response: What aspect of his "scholarship" do you respect?