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Albert Boime dies at 75; leading art historian taught at UCLA for 30 years

Albert Boime, an art historian, educator and author who evaluated art in its social and political context for new insights into French Neo-Classicism, Impressionism and other prominent art movements of the last 250 years, has died. He was 75.

Boime, a faculty member at UCLA for more than 30 years, died Saturday of complications from a blood disorder at Kaiser Permanente hospital in Los Angeles, said his wife, Myra. He had been a longtime resident of Mar Vista.

In close to 20 books and hundreds of scholarly articles, Boime approached artworks as social documents, not simply artistic expressions, and demonstrated how artists are influenced by the historical events of their lifetime.

He went outside traditional research methods that evaluated one artwork in the context of others and looked for influences among an artist's teachers and the important art movements of the day.

"My work presents an alternative view and attempts to keep pace with the advancements made by social history," Boime said in a 1995 interview with the Rutgers Art Review.
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