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Neve Gordon's appointment as chair of poli sci department draws criticism

He barricaded himself with Arafat during the siege of Ramallah, he has his articles posted on Holocaust denial websites, he thinks Israel is a pariah state, he distorted historical facts, he turned the classroom into a propaganda battlefield, he advocated a one-state solution, and yet, he was recently appointed as the head of Ben Gurion University's department of Politics and Government. Will you send your child to study there?

Consider this madness: One of the most anti-Israeli academics is, from now on, the head of a large department at one of Israel's largest universities. Anti-Zionist Neve Gordon, making recent headlines recently for calling for Israel's elimination in what he dubs the "one-state solution," is now chairman of the department of political science at Ben Gurion University. The BGU authorities have not had any objection to the hijacking of an entire department in the university by a rabid hater of Israel.

If you have not heard of him yet, read what has been written about him two years ago: ".he belongs to the class of rabidly anti-Israel far-left professors whose trade mark is the delight they take in comparing Israel to apartheid South-Africa and Nazi Germany". These lines were scribed by the world-renowned American legalist, Professor Alan Dershowitz, who went on to say that Gordon is responsible for writing that "consists of anti-Israeli propaganda designed to 'prove' that the Jewish State is fascist."...

Read entire article at Shaul Ben Joseph at the website of israelcampus.org