Warning from Donny George
Dear Chuck,
I just got an e-mail from Dr. Amira Edan from Baghdad, she is telling me that they are in a very bad situation squeezed by the minister of tourism and antiquities to open the museum, and he wants the museum ready by Feb. 12th, he ordered to put down the solid wall that was built behind the main door of the museum, and he is sending TV crews to shoot while the museum people are working and antiquities open on tables in the galleries, which drove Dr. Amira crazy, and she sent her resignation immediately, saying that she can not hold this historical responsibility that this minister is putting them in.
This is happening now in Baghdad, and we all know that it is for political reasons only, putting the museum and the whole collection in a very bad and dangerous situation.
If you want to publish this, please go and do it, so that the world should know what is happening for the Iraq museum now. Best regards.
Donny George