John Taylor Leaving as Nixon Foundation Executive Director
John H. Taylor, President Nixon's former chief of staff and executive director of the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation since 1990, is leaving his Foundation position on Feb. 15 to accept the call of the Episcopal Bishop of Los Angeles, J. Jon Bruno, to serve full time as vicar, or priest in charge, of St. John Chrysostom Episcopal Church and School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.
Taylor announced his resignation on Jan. 5 to a group of Foundation Board members and followed up on Jan. 20 with a letter of resignation to Foundation board chairman Kris Elftmann. Taylor wrote that it was an honor and pleasure beyond description to work with members of the Nixon family, the Foundation board, the Library's volunteer Docents, and staff. "Above all," Taylor said, "we have been dedicated to the legacy of a President who made the world safer for billions of people through his far-reaching , course-changing policies abroad and set the tone for pragmatic, big-tent policy leadership at home."...
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Taylor announced his resignation on Jan. 5 to a group of Foundation Board members and followed up on Jan. 20 with a letter of resignation to Foundation board chairman Kris Elftmann. Taylor wrote that it was an honor and pleasure beyond description to work with members of the Nixon family, the Foundation board, the Library's volunteer Docents, and staff. "Above all," Taylor said, "we have been dedicated to the legacy of a President who made the world safer for billions of people through his far-reaching , course-changing policies abroad and set the tone for pragmatic, big-tent policy leadership at home."...