Nearly 200 Faculty Members at U.S. Colleges Endorse Academic Boycott of Israel
A fledgling group calling itself the U.S. Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel now lists 193 faculty members and several student groups at American colleges as endorsing its call for a boycott.
David Lloyd, a professor of English at the University of Southern California who serves as a spokesman for the group, said its supporters were being urged to encourage colleges to divest from companies that provide weapons and weapons systems to the Israeli military. “This is going to be a grass-roots movement,” Mr. Lloyd said in interview. “Local groups will take whatever actions they think is appropriate.”
Read entire article at Chronicle of Higher Ed
David Lloyd, a professor of English at the University of Southern California who serves as a spokesman for the group, said its supporters were being urged to encourage colleges to divest from companies that provide weapons and weapons systems to the Israeli military. “This is going to be a grass-roots movement,” Mr. Lloyd said in interview. “Local groups will take whatever actions they think is appropriate.”