Michelle Malkin Defends Racial Profiling During WWII
Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin chastised shouting protesters at UC Berkeley Tuesday night and won a standing ovation from sympathizers who came to hear her defense of racial profiling and World War II Japanese internment camps.
Despite a din of noise from demonstrators outside that sometimes competed with Malkin's remarks, the chief organizer of the event, UC junior Amaury Gallais, said Wednesday that he was pleased with the outcome and that the disruption"was nowhere near what we expected." Gallais is managing editor of the California Patriot, a conservative campus magazine that co-sponsored Malkin's talk with the Berkeley College Republicans.
The reaction to Malkin's speech, recorded by a bank of TV cameras, was closely watched in part because of past disruptions of conservative speakers on a campus famous as the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement.
Malkin, author of the newly published"In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror," completed her talk in the packed, securely guarded, 226-seat lecture hall without significant interruption.
She occasionally paused briefly when the shouts of"Shame!" and other chants from about 75 protesters in the lobby outside grew louder.
"Outside, they're yelling, 'Shame,'" she said."I think the real shame is that people are too closed minded to actually consider the evidence ... the shame that people here at an institution of higher education and learning don't really understand what a liberal education truly is."
At the end of the talk, it was announced that a planned book-signing had been canceled"due to security reasons," and Malkin exclaimed,"Thank you, Free Speechers." However, university officials said event organizers were told that the sale of books without permission was against campus rules, and no permission had been obtained. Gallais said Wednesday he canceled the signing because he was afraid Malkin could be injured by protesters rushing the stage, and that he made the decision before being told of the campus rule.