by Eric G. Prileson
Hello all! Welcome to a new history blog called “What’s the Deal With?”Thank you for tuning into this featured blog on the History News Network! The purpose of this blog is to fill a niche that is unfilled in today’s journalism: working to explain current events through historical analysis and perspective; an effort that is on par with the mission of HNN.Blog posts at HNN's “What’s the Deal With?” (adapted from the original WordPress version, which has been going strong since 2011) discuss current events that you and I see in the news every day but instead of injecting an opinion on the event or person, “What’s the Deal?” attempts to explain the event through a historical perspective of the country, people, or culture that is involved and offer a rational analysis from that evidence. This blog discusses current events from all corners of the globe including the United States but also reaches into specific policy areas such as healthcare and energy to bring a new perspective into analyses of those areas. Most entries mainly try to guide the reader through bold-faced central points that help us wrap our heads around the subject.