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Jul 20, 2009

United States History Notes

Jeffrey R. Young,"Drive-Time History, With a Dry Sense of Humor," CHE, 13 July, features three Virginia historians who've taken history to radio.

Michael Grunwald,"Power to (Some of) the People," Washington Post, 19 July, reviews Lynn Hudson Parsons's The Birth of Modern Politics: Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams and the Election of 1828.

Ben Macintyre,"Dearborn-on-Amazon," NYT, 16 July, and Aaron Leitko,"Welcome to the Jungle," Washington Post, 19 July, review Greg Grandin's Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford's Forgotten Jungle City.

Martha A. Sandweiss,"The Family That Rejected Jim Crow," Washington Post, 19 July, reviews W. Ralph Eubanks's The House at the End of the Road: The Story of Three Generations of An Interracial Family in the American South.

Jonathan Eig,"A Fastball Wrapped in a Riddle," NYT, 16 July, reviews Larry Tye's Satchel: The Life and Times of an American Legend; and John Simon,"No Prisoner of Love," NYT, 16 July, reviews James Gavin's Stormy Weather: The Life of Lena Horne.

Joel Achenbach,"Apollo 11's Bright Glare," Washington Post, 19 July, reviews Craig Nelson's Rocket Men: The Epic Story Of the First Men On the Moon.

Jacob Heilbrunn,"Got Your Back," NYT, 16 July, reviews Alistair Horne's Kissinger: 1973, the Crucial Year.

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