Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jul 21, 2009

More Noted Things

Stephen J. Pyne,"History Is Scholarship; It's Also Literature," CHE, 17 July, argues that too many history graduate students and professors haven't yet learned how to write. The Arizona State historian discusses how he teaches writing for historians.

Adam Kirsch,"What's Romantic About Science?" Slate, 20 July, reviews Richard Holmes's The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science.

George Scialabba reviews Stanislao Pugliese's Bitter Spring: A Life of Ignazio Silone for the Barnes & Noble Review, 21 July.

"State Dept Offers New Caveat on Nixon Tapes," Secrecy News, 20 July, takes notice of deviant transcriptions in the Foreign Relations of the United States series. Transcripts are"interpretations"; it's the tapes that are"documents".

On the Thursday afternoon arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr, the police report, and the statement of Gates's attorney, Charles Ogletree.
Update: Cambridge, Massachusetts police announced this afternoon that charges against Gates will be dropped.

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