Blogs > Cliopatria > History Carnival, A Lincoln Disputation & the Philippines Analogy

Jul 29, 2009

History Carnival, A Lincoln Disputation & the Philippines Analogy

Kathryn Hadley will host the next edition of History Carnival on Saturday 1 August at History Today News. Send your nominations of the best in history blogging since 1 July to k*dot*hadley*at*historytoday*dot*com or use the nomination form.

  • Sean Wilentz,"Who Lincoln Was," TNR, 15 July
  • Henry Louis Gates,"Disputations: The Lost Lincoln," TNR, 25 July
  • Fred Kaplan,"Disputations: The Lost Lincoln," TNR, 25 July
  • Michael Kazin,"Disputations: The Lost Lincoln," TNR, 25 July
  • John Stauffer,"Disputations: The Lost Lincoln," TNR, 25 July
  • Sean Wilentz,"Disputations: The Lost Lincoln," TNR, 25 July
  • There's no word yet on whether Wilentz will be invited to the White House for a beer with Gates and Obama.

  • Ross Douthat,"The War We'd Like to Forget," NYT, 26 July
  • Matt Yglesias,"Was Conquering the Philippines Worth It?" Yglesias, 27 July
  • Spencer Ackerman,"Why'd The Philippines Work Out So Well For Us?" AttAckerman, 27 July
  • Robert Farley,"The Philippine Analogy," Lawyers, Guns, and Money, 28 July
  • David Silbey,"A War of Frontier and Empire," Edge of the American West, 28 July
  • Andrew Sullivan,"Iraq And The Philippines," Andrew Sullivan, 28 July

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