Blogs > Liberty and Power > Making Democracy Safe For the World

Sep 25, 2009

Making Democracy Safe For the World

Democracy, especially the virulent, vampire-like variety practiced in modern America, may very well be condemned to collapse, but that’s no reason to give up on it. Despite history telling us that all democracies inevitably devour themselves, history also tells us that every system of governance mankind can dream up have all come to an end, as for example the much lamented American Republic, snuffed out after barely a century or so.

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More Comments:

Tenrou Ugetsu - 8/5/2009

I don't think there is any evidence of any civilization having a true democracy like that of US having destroyed itself. The closest bit of destruction evidence comes from our own country and we've shown time and again that we can overcome it. The Great Depression is one such example. But from our justice system to our government, America has shown its resiliency.

Capt. A. - 8/4/2009

Bravo! This is a well-crafted article elucidating truth. It is unfortunate that the “voting booboisie” does not possess the mental capabilities to comprehend this article. (If they do possess such capabilities to comprehend and elect to exhibit such continued moral turpitude, then hypocrisy is the god they choose to worship.) The “masses of voting asses” take great pleasure in racing pell-mell to what will be a grave and devastating end. Americans will not get precisely what they want, but they will surely get exactly what they deserve.

C’est la guerre,

Capt. A.
Principaute de Monaco