Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 6, 2009

More Noted Things

This week, Cliopatria's friends at Crooked Timber are holding a"book event" on George Scialabba's What Are Intellectuals Good For?. Thus far, there are contributions by:
  • Henry Farrell
  • Michael Bérubé
  • Russell Jacoby
  • Rich Yeselson
  • JohnHolbo
  • Scott McLemee
  • George Scialabba
  • David Zax,"Galileo's Vision," Smithsonian, July, recalls how and what Galileo taught us to see.

    Alan Jacobs,"The English Montaigne," Books & Culture, July/August, reviews Duncan Wu's William Hazlitt: the First Modern Man.

    Isaac Chotiner,"Could Malcolm Gladwell Be More Wrong About 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?" TNR, 5 August, develops at greater length Jeremy Young's argument at Cliopatria.

    Dwight Garner,"When David Fought Goliath in Washington Square Park," NYT, 4 August, reviews Anthony Flint's Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took On New York's Master Builder and Transformed the American City.

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    Jeremy Young - 8/5/2009

    I'm glad to see him take an almighty whack at Gladwell's piece. I think he connects. I'll give Gladwell points for being thought-provoking, though. One can't always be right in print, more's the pity.