Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here & There

Aug 10, 2009

Things Noted Here & There

Adam Kotsko and Tim Burke discuss posting syllabi on-line.

"The road to insurrection," The Economist, 6 August, reviews David Horspool's The English Rebel: One Thousand Years of Trouble-Making from the Normans to the Nineties.

"Learned and ingenious ladies," The Economist, 6 August, reviews Jane Robinson's Bluestockings: The Remarkable Story of the First Women to Fight for an Education. Hat tip.

Mark Bauerlein,"Demanding Rights, Courting Controversy," WSJ, 6 August, reviews David and Linda Royster Beito's Black Maverick: T. R. M. Howard's Fight for Civil Rights and Economic Power.

Jonathan Yardley,"Cabaret Queen," Washington Post, 9 August, reviews James Gavin's Stormy Weather: The Life of Lena Horne.

Adam Kirsch,"Disengagement," Tablet, 4 August, reviews Rich Cohen's Israel is Real.

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