Blogs > Cliopatria > For Passover ...

Apr 23, 2005

For Passover ...

Judaism 101 on"Pesach: Passover". presents"The Passover Calendar."
Hitzai Yehonaton on"Sabbath and Passover Eve."
Mystical Paths says"Passover Charity Brings the Redemption!"
Rishon Rishon on"Pesah"
sultan_knish asks"Are Your Fish and Haggadah Chametz?"
TikkunOlam on"Unleavening the Hypocrisy of Power".
Thanks to Brandon Watson at Siris for the tip.

JibJab celebrates Passover with"Matzah."

The History Channel on"The History of Passover."

And, on a related matter, Menachem Butler at AJHistory reports that the Weinberg Institute of Judaic Studies at the University of Scranton has announced its prize for the best book of 2005. First place goes to Jonathan Sarna for his American Judaism: A History (Yale). Other finalists were: Hasia R. Diner The Jews of the United States: 1654-2000 (California) and Andrew R. Heinze, Jews and the American Soul: Human Nature in the Twentieth Century (Princeton).

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