Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday's Notes

Aug 19, 2009

Wednesday's Notes

Michael Dirda reviews Sei Shonagon's The Pillow Book (translated by Meredith McKinney) for the Barnes & Noble Review, 17 August.

"Oliver Stone revealing 'Secret History of America'," the live feed, 18 August. You'll be glad to know all the secrets!

At Legal History, Duke's Laura Edwards is guest-blogging about her most recent book, The People and Their Peace: Legal Culture and the Transformation of Inequality in the Post-Revolutionary South.

Michael Elliott,"In the Church of Lincoln," Religion Dispatches, 17 August, argues that, while we've fashioned Abraham Lincoln a secular saint, no current politician is his match as a bare-knuckled brawler.

Peter Schjeldahl,"High and Low Relief," New Yorker, 24 August, reviews"Augustus Saint-Gaudens in The Metropolitan Museum of Art," an exhibit at Manhattan's Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Scott McLemee,"Prophets of Deceit," IHE, 19 August, finds current relevance in Leo Lowenthal's and Norbert Guterman's Prophets of Deceit: A Study of the Techniques of the American Agitator (1949).

Niall Ferguson,"A runaway deficit may soon test Obama's luck," Financial Times, 10 August, compares Barack Obama to Felix the Cat. Ferguson,"Why My Comparing Obama to Felix the Cat Is Not Racist," Huffington Post, 12 August, jumps at his shadow. Jim Fallows, PaulKrugman, Matt Yglesias and Conor Clarke call him on it.

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More Comments:

Chris Bray - 8/19/2009

It is very likely that Winston Churchill would've refused to share his liquor.

Jonathan Dresner - 8/19/2009

You beat me to it. Unless he knows something we don't -- the atom bomb decision was a double-dog dare; the Cold War started when Churchill wouldn't share the schnapps -- this is pretty much typical Stone hype.

Chris Bray - 8/19/2009

"Subjects will include President Harry Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, the origins of the Cold War with the Soviet Union..."

Damn you, Oliver Stone -- where did you get these amazing facts!?!? Why was I not told!?!?