Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of August 24, 2009

Aug 28, 2009

Week of August 24, 2009

Paul Krugman on Niall Ferguson

For the record, I don’t think that Professor Ferguson is a racist. I think he’s a poseur. I’m told that some of his straight historical work is very good. When it comes to economics, however, he hasn’t bothered to understand the basics, relying on snide comments and surface cleverness to convey the impression of wisdom. It’s all style, no comprehension of substance. And this time he ended up choking on his own snark.

Juan Cole

Obama, unlike Bush:

1. Has no plans to invade any new oil countries.

2. Knows who president of Pakistan is

3. Knows how to safely consume pretzels

4. Does not take orders from his veep

5. Not on vacation 40% of time

6. Clears away Bush's harm, rather than clearing brush on farm

7. Worried about 47 million uninsured, not about 47 thousand idle rich multi-millionaires

8. Not removing oversight from bankers on theory that financiers would never steal from own bank!

9. does not believe US menaced by Gog and Magog

10. Not ignoring threat of al-Qaeda

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