Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Aug 29, 2009

Weak Endnotes

Steve Donoghue,"Alexander the Grating," Open Letters Monthly, August, reviews The History of Alexander by Quintus Curtius Rufus. John Yardley, trans.

Jonathan Yardley,"Such a Sad, Sad Story," Washington Post, 30 August, reviews J. Randy Taraborrelli's The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe.

In David T. Beito and Linda Royster Beito,"T.R.M. Howard, an unlikely civil rights hero," LA Times, 28 August, Howard's biographers identify his ties to the movement.

Sheri Fink,"Strained by Katrina, a Hospital Faced Deadly Choices," NYT, 25 August, takes a close look at decisions made at Memorial Medical Center in New Orleans.

Ron Suskind,"Against the Odds," NYT, 27 August, reviews Tracy Kidder's Strength In What Remains.

Claire Potter,"On Sin, Forgiveness and Redemption: A Few Thoughts On The Loss Of My Friend, Senator Kennedy," Tenured Radical, 28 August, remembers Edward Kennedy.

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