Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday's Notes

Sep 16, 2009

Wednesday's Notes

Josh Olson,"I Will Not Read Your Fucking [Manu]Script," Village Voice, 9 September, is a candid reply to your request.

James Fallows,"Village Dreamers," Atlantic, October, explores the effort of an American family to preserve a traditional Chinese culture from tourist kitsch.

Alison Bashford,"Australian art takes evolutionary turn," Sydney Morning Herald, 1 September, reviews Richard Dawkins's The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution, Jeanette Hoorn's Reframing Darwin: Evolution and Art in Australia, and Richard Milner's Darwin's Universe: Evolution from A to Z. Hat tip.

Dwight Garner,"When Grave Years Fueled Grand Art," NYT, 15 September, reviews Morris Dickstein's Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression.

Halil Arda,"Sex, flies and videotape: the secret lives of Harun Yahya," New Humanist, September/ October, tracks the work of Islam's leading creationist.

Perry Anderson,"Portents of Eurabia," The National, 27 August, reviews Christopher Caldwell's Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West.

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