Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Sep 19, 2009

Weak Endnotes

Christopher Howse reviews David Nokes's Samuel Johnson: A Life for the Telegraph, 18 September. In addition to it, Andrew O'Hagan,"The Powers of Dr. Johnson," NYRB, 8 October, reviews Peter Martin's Samuel Johnson: A Biography, Martin's Samuel Johnson: Selected Writings, and Jeffrey Meyers's Samuel Johnson: The Struggle.

Adam Kirsch,"Awakenings," Tablet, 15 September, reviews Kenneth B. Moss's Jewish Renaissance in the Russian Revolution.

Roberta Smith,"The Angel in the Architecture," NYT, 17 September, previews"Kandinsky," an exhibit opening Sunday at Manhattan's Guggenheim Museum.

Dwight Garner,"The Old Economist, Relevant Amid the Rubble," NYT, 17 September, reviews Robert Skidelsky's Keynes: The Return of the Master.

On the eve of the release of Taylor Branch's new book, The Clinton Tapes, Wil S. Hylton,"The Bill Clinton Tapes,", 16 September, is an interview with Branch about the taped interviews he did with Clinton.

Finally, have a look at Cliopatria's recently revised History Blogroll. Newly added institutional blogs include The Cloisters' The Medieval Garden Enclosed, the National Museum of Health and Medicine's A Repository for Bottled Monsters, and the Women's Review of Books blog.

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