Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday's Notes

Sep 25, 2009

Friday's Notes

Matthew Reisz,"The seven deadly sins of the academy," THES, 17 September, names the familiar.

Tim Burke,"The Microhistorical Unknown," Easily Distracted, 24 September, reflects on what we make of the unknown.

Aaron Bady,"Walkout," zunguzungu, 24 September, has excellent photographs of the strike at UC, Berkeley.

Mike Pitts,"Anglo-Saxon gold hoard is the biggest - and could get bigger," Guardian, 24 September, and"Huge Anglo-Saxon gold hoard found," BBC, 24 September, are early reports of the discovery in Staffordshire of 1500 gold and silver artifacts. For photographs, see"The Staffordshire Hoard."

Richard Posner,"How I Became a Keynesian," TNR, 23 September, tells how he gave Keynes a second look. See also: Paul Krugman reviews Robert Skidelsky's Keynes: The Return of the Master for the Guardian, 30 August.

A. O Scott,"The Unsentimental Education That Preceded a Life of Fashion," NYT, 25 September, reviews the new film,"Coco Before Chanel".

Michiko Kakutani,"Presidential Confidential: Bill Clinton After Hours," NYT, 24 September, reviews Taylor Branch's The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History With the President.

David Greenberg,"The Obama Haters," Slate, 23 September, revisits Richard Hofstadter's"paranoid style of American politics."

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