Blogs > Cliopatria > Carnivals

Oct 4, 2009


Carnivalesque LIV, an excellent early modern edition of the festival, is up at Early Modern Notes. Katrina Gulliver at Notes from the Field will host History Carnival LXXX on 4/5 October. Bavardess will host Carnivalesque LV, an ancient/medieval edition of the festival, in the latter half of October. The next early modern edition of Carnivalesque will be in November and needs a host. If you are interested, contact sharon*at*earlymodernweb*dot*org*dot*uk.

Sharon Howard's"Whither Carnivals? Or, Carnivals wither?" Early Modern Notes, 26 September, asks about the future of History Carnival in particular and history carnivals in general. The various history carnivals have been excellent means of a) highlighting superior blogging on historical topics; and b) drawing attention to new voices in the history blogosphere. In the last two years, however, the art history carnival, the Asian history carnival, the military history carnival, and the carnival of bad history have collapsed. Carnivalesque, History Carnival, the history of science's The Giant's Shoulders, and Indian History Carnival survive because of energetic coordination. The coordinators need volunteer hosts. If you expect them to promote your work, do them the favor of noticing the carnival's appearance and link to it.

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