Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here & There

Sep 29, 2009

Things Noted Here & There

María Rosa Menocal,"The Culture of Translation," Words Without Borders, September, is"a translation and adaptation of ‘La culture des traductions: l'arabisation invisible de l'Europe et l'invention du moderne,' one in a series of six lectures given during May and June 2003 at the Institut du monde arabe in Paris." Hat tip.

Dana Stevens,"There's Something About Keats," Slate, 25 September, reviews"Bright Star," Jane Campion's new film about the love affair between John Keats and his neighbor Fanny Brawne.

Jackson Lears,"The Waxing and Waning of America's Political Right," NYT, 28 September, reviews Sam Tanenhaus's The Death of Conservatism.

Timothy Tyson,"Esther: For Just Such a Time as This," Facebook, 28 September, is the sermon that Tyson preached in the Duke University chapel on Sunday.

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