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Sep 30, 2009

Modern American Notes

Barry Yeoman,"Tenure Tracker," Duke Magazine, September/ October, follows the job search of Kelly Kennington, a young Duke Ph.D. in history, during a difficult year.

Adam Kirsch,"A Zionist Supreme," Tablet, 29 September, reviews Melvin I. Urofsky's Louis D. Brandeis: A Life.

Elisabeth Malkin,"Kahlo Trove: Fact or Fakery?" NYT, 28 September, considers the claims of authenticity for a collection attributed to Frida Kahlo.

Dwight Garner,"In the '70s, All New York Seemed Young and Gay," NYT, 29 September, reviews Edmund White's City Boy: My Life in New York During the 1960s and '70s. White recalls that the sociologist, Richard Sennett, might slip, midmeal at dinner parties, into"a chic little black dress." Surely, this won't be news to Sennett's wife, Saskia Sassen.

Richard Dorment,"What Is an Andy Warhol?" NYRB, 22 October, reviews Arthur C. Danto's Andy Warhol, Tony Scherman's and David Dalton's Pop: The Genius of Andy Warhol, and Richard Polsky's I Sold Andy Warhol (Too Soon).

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