Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Oct 4, 2009

Weak Endnotes

Mary Beard,"Roman art thieves," TLS, 30 September, reviews Margaret M. Miles's Art as Plunder: The ancient origins of debate about cultural property and Carole Paul's The Borghese Collections and the Display of Art in the Age of the Grand Tour.

Philip Pullman reviews Joscelyn Godwin's Athanasius Kircher's Theatre of the World for the Guardian, 3 October.

Frances Wilson reviews Jenny Uglow's A Gambling Man: Charles II and the Restoration and Dan Cruikshank's The Secret History of Georgian London for London's Sunday Times, 27 September and 4 October.

Katheryn Hughes reviews David Nokes's Samuel Johnson: A Life for the Guardian, 3 October.

John Carey reviews Michael Slater's Charles Dickens for London's Sunday Times, 27 September.

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