Blogs > Cliopatria > European History Notes

Oct 5, 2009

European History Notes

History Carnival LXXX is up at Katrina Gulliver's Notes from the Field.

Howard Halle, New York: Timeout, 17 September, and Alexandra Peers,"Vermeer's Naughty Milkmaid," Daily Beast, 2 October, review"Vermeer's Masterpiece: The Milkmaid," an exhibit at Manhattan's Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Christopher Benfey,"Watteau the Wanderer," Slate, 4 October, is a slide-show essay about the 18th century French artist, Jean-Antoine Watteau.

Anne Frank House, 23 September, posts the only known footage of young Anne Frank on film. It is 22 July 1941 and the woman next door is getting married.
Hat tip.

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